You only need 1 leaf and in no time you have a house full of USEFUL PLANTS! I have to have it in every room!

The plant you are describing, commonly known as “archbishop” or by its various other names such as Cuban oregano, Mexican eucalyptus, or Arabic mint, is indeed a versatile and beneficial addition to any indoor space. Here’s a summary of its characteristics and uses:


  • Discreet green plant with fleshy, light green, slightly hairy leaves.
  • Thrives in sunny locations with fertile soil and can be pruned as desired.
  • Ideal for container gardening and requires indoor overwintering at around 20ºC.
  • Releases a distinct aroma reminiscent of oregano and thyme when the leaves are rubbed.

Natural Repellent:

  • This plant, similar to mint, repels mosquitoes, moths, and insects.
  • Making tea from its leaves provides relief from colds, coughs, sore throats, and headaches.
  • Consumption can help with hypertension, asthma, digestive problems, skin injuries, skin infections, minor burns, rheumatism, scars, bruises, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, and alleviating the symptoms of rheumatism.
  • Rubbing the affected area with its leaves aids in treating minor skin injuries, skin infections, and minor burns.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe:


  • Sealable glass container
  • At least 50 elderberry leaves (the more, the better)
  • Granulated sugar (approximately 759 g to 1 kg, depending on the size of the glass and the number of leaves)
  • Lemon, lime, or orange (to taste)
  • Lemon juice


  1. Rinse the elderberry leaves lightly with cold water and cut them in half to release as much juice as possible.
  2. Wash the lemon, lime, or orange thoroughly and cut into slices.
  3. Alternate layers of leaves, sugar, lemon juice, and citrus slices in the glass container until it’s completely full.
  4. Close the container and place it on a windowsill.
  5. After two weeks, check if the sugar has dissolved. If not, gently stir the syrup. Check regularly to prevent mold formation.
  6. Once the contents have completely liquefied, strain the syrup through a sieve and squeeze the fruit and leaves well.
  7. Store the syrup in the refrigerator.